Our talk "Joomla as a mobile App backend" was on Sunday morning, in the "Integrator" stream, just after Jessica Dunbar's keynote, see Our session, 09:45 - 10:45 on Sunday in "Sarah-Jane".
The list below includes links to systems, packages and extensions mentioned in the talk. They're just ordered as per how they cam up in the talk.
- Assembla - https://www.assembla.com
- Go CD Server - http://www.go.cd/
- Demo App
- Appcelerator - http://www.appcelerator.com/
- Node - https://nodejs.org/
- Calabash - http://calaba.sh/
- GruntJS - http://gruntjs.com/
- KrauseFX Fastlane - https://fastlane.tools/
- Joomla - http://www.joomla.org/
- FieldsAttach - http://www.fieldsattach.com/
- jBackend - http://www.selfget.com/products/jbackend.html
- PhantomJS - http://phantomjs.org/
- Akeeba UNiTE - https://www.akeebabackup.com/products/akeeba-unite.html
- Rochen MCS - https://www.rochen.com/managed/cloud
Thanks to everyone who cam, and a huge thanks to all involved in organising J and Beyond.
A video with be online shortly, so we'll add a post about that shortly.